
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Global Competencies for Our Future Citizen Leaders
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
This Thriving Conversation with Phil and Simon, two of Australia's experienced educators discusses proactive educating communities for the best possible student learning outcomes. Our discussion spans the global competencies needed to be prepared to be part of a VUCA world, initiatives that are currently in progress in Japan and Lithuania. Our guests share the 12 Fusion Skills or FLUENCIES and Portfolios that students are already developing and accumulating to assess their learning. Join us to hear what micro-credentialing and badging competencies look like for deep learning and how students at Medowie Christian School Port Stephens, Australia are autonomous and self-directed learner leaders.

Monday Jan 04, 2021
What Capabilities Might Children REALLY Need Over The Next Decade?
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
What capabilities might children REALLY need over the next decade?
Q What are the biggest challenges facing parents? (Rosina data)
Q What are the challenges facing children (Oxford research data)
Q Is it time to look beyond the focus on academics to life skills education to resource children for the short-term and in the future.
Q. How can we reimagine the future of the education profession?
Q. How can we best support teachers in that future?
Q. What can we expect with the future of work?
Dr Rosina McAlpine
Rosina's mission and passion is to support working parents. Highly regarded researcher, presenter, facilitator and speaker.
Today, as part of corporate social responsibility, employee wellbeing programs, Win Win Parenting partners with companies to empower their employees to succeed at home so they can succeed at work.
Parenting education in the workplace is good for kids, good for parents and good for business.
Dr Rosina McAlpine believes confident and effective parents have happier families are focused and productive employees.
Tony Ryan
Supports education (and some business) organisations around the world to prepare for the future of learning, with emphasis on the applications of Artificial Intelligence and robotics into everyday learning environments.
Tony has worked with over 1000 schools and 15 universities in 10 countries, written 8 books and manuals on innovative thinking and lifelong learning (including The Ripple Effect and the Thinkers Keys), and is strongly involved in social justice causes.
Tony's special joy is working with educators who know that the world can be even more astonishing up ahead..... and that they can contribute to the development of that world.
Tony’s latest book ‘The Next Generation’ has now been released. More info at http://www.tonyryan.com.au/home/

Monday Dec 21, 2020
Diverse Needs of Large Colleges Particularly Students, Staff and Families .
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Double education lockdown in Victoria - what has it meant to students, parents, teachers, and leaders?
A case study not to miss!
This conversation shares insights into strategic manoeuvring of two large educating communities and how the diverse learning needs of stakeholders were considered.
What was different the second time around?
Join Anna Masters and Katherine Hoekman, two exceptional Australian educators.
A thoughtful human-centred conversation about the future of teaching learning leadership.
Awareness of how it was second time around...

Monday Dec 21, 2020
Delivery of Education via Online Platforms - Learning Gain or Loss?
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Our conversation discussed insights and observations as well as some examples of what Zeina and Steven have observed and led during Australia's educational response to a global health issue.
How learning via virtual delivery impacted on student learning?
What did they notice about the learners and fellow teachers during covid?
Underpinning the relationship between teachers and students’ - day to day interactions, supporting others to find the ‘joy’ in their learning and
particular strategies that worked well for teachers and leaders were shared.

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Optimising Life & Work Skills For The Future
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
For most people #covid 19 hasn't just been one change in their life. Picture a stack of wobbling cards rising higher and higher!
Coming up this week #education #matters live panel conversation is all about optimising life work skills for the future whatever the abrupt changes.
Why would we focus on boosting our self management and attitude when under stress?
Do your stakeholders have a 'voice' in their wellbeing?
Two of Australia's 'optimising' educators Helen van der Werff and Maurizio Vespa talk about:
Optimism is the belief that the future is positive. We will get through this together.
Shift from optimism to optimising outcomes; managing circumstances and attitude with options; relational skills when under stress, and effectiveness of restorative practices.

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Joanne McEachen is CEO/Founder of The Learner First (USA/Australia/New Zealand), a Fellow of Salzburg Global Seminar (Austria), on the Executive Committee for Karanga The Global Alliance for Social Emotional Learning and Life Skills (Global) and a Board Member for Partners for Youth Empowerment (PYE) Global.
A social entrepreneur and a leading voice in the global education community, Joanne brings years of whole system leadership experience, working with and within all levels of education to offer insights and strategies that support communities to discover their strengths and bring them to the surface. The perspective she works from is that people and communities hold the answers and not the experts.
Her experience as a teacher, principal, superintendent, and whole-country school-system leader and working with over 10 plus countries has enabled Joanne to focus on what matters, on humanities development of SEL and deeper learning outcomes––self-understanding, knowledge, competency, and connection––that lead to meaning, fulfillment, and lifelong success. She has co-authored multiple books and these can be found in schools and homes around the world.
Joanne insights are illuminated by continued, hands-on experience, partnering with people- diverse groups around the world.
She was co-founder of NPDL (Global).
Louka Parry is the CEO + Founder of The Learning Future, an organisation that supports schools, systems and companies to thrive in tomorrow’s world. A former teacher, he became a school principal at only 27 years old and was named Inspirational Public Secondary Teacher of the Year for South Australia. Louka works globally (in English and Spanish) and has supported tens of thousands of educators and leaders globally to increase their positive impact.
A rapid learner, he speaks five languages, has visited over 80 countries, and holds two Masters degrees, one in Instructional Leadership from the University of Melbourne and another in Applied Linguistics, and has also completed executive studies at Harvard University. Through his work, he has acquired expert knowledge in leadership, communication, wellbeing, future learning models and organisational change. He is a Fellow of the Salzburg Global Seminar and of the Stanford d.school, working at the forefront of the future of education, innovation and social emotional learning to empower children, educators and communities all across the globe.
Louka brings a range of deep strategic insights as a learning architect and as a sought-after speaker and facilitator. He has worked across all Australian Education Departments and sectors, across international systems from the Dominican Republic to Romania, with corporates like PWC, Microsoft and Apple, and with not-for-profits such as Social Ventures Australia, CASEL and TED. In this age of rapid change, he is driven to transform structures, systems and societies to empower individuals to do their best work and maximise wellbeing, ultimately making our world a better place for all.

Saturday Nov 14, 2020
The Remote Learning 'Road Trip' Around Rural School Communities
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Post pandemic lockdown, three School Performance Leaders started out on
a 'Remote Learning Road Trip' around north western NSW. My panel for this School Performance Leaders, Rod Whelan, Jason Hanrahan and Justin Matthews visted every school in the Diocese of Armidale, listening and observing 'lockdown' learnings and insights from students, teachers, school leadership teams and parents
Listen on as our conversation covered the insights and observations of these rural learning communities as they shared 'action research' on leadership, wellbeing, school support for learning and voice during the 'lockdown.
Connectedness to each other, for each other and onbehalf of each other is a strong theme coming from this enlightening experience.
Listen on as we hear more from Rod, Jason and Justin as they share the care, social contracts and autonomy of decision making at local level that they acknowledge openly.
For more about me and my work, visit www.carriebenedet.com

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Systems Thinking And Collaboration In Education
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Education Matters panel guests are Summer Howarth and Andrea Downie, two experienced Australian educators. A fascinating conversation about wellbeing science, holistic wellbeing ecosystems, leadership and learning design that has tipped 'rigid' systems upside down during our education response to Covid19. www.carriebenedet.com

Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Chris Smyth is the current Director of Catholic Schools Diocese of Armidale and Catherine Jackson is Principal Consultant at Leopard Tree specialising in Leadership Coaching, Team development and Facilitation.
Both Chris and Catherine have experienced careers in educational leadership and are focused on helping leaders and their teams build effectiveness to serve learning communities progress their mission.
Conversations that matter are essential to the core organisational needs of learning communities that connect students, teachers, staff and parents.
We share insights of school improvement across this system of schools that have a clear coaching for leadership and wellbeing focus. An intriguing look at some of our rural educational communities who aspire to building the best learning and leadership environment possible.
Listen on as we hear more from our speakers, both educators of expertise and experience, about their thoughts on how we can make education better for each child and our education system as a whole. For more about me and my work, visit www.carriebenedet.com

Monday Oct 26, 2020
COVID-19 Education Series: Lifting Others Up With Kindness
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
In this episode, my guests are Sarah and Daniel, both Year 11 students and Mrs Kerry Paxton, Leader Inclusion and Student Engagement from The Catholic Learning Community John XXIII Stanhope Gardens.
Our topic focuses on Learning at Home: What was it like for learning and how did it affect the wellbeing of learners during the educational response to COVID-19. The Learning Community at Stanhope Gardens has an extensive Wellbeing Framework that encompasses all stakeholder's - students, teachers, support staff, leaders, parents and families.
We get to hear student and teacher insights and suggestions about their experiences with 'learning from home' and how they believe we can adapt and change to make sure learning is more impactful in an altered learning environment.
We also talk about nurturing a community in the times of abrupt change and challenge and the ways we can create a culture that will help everyone thrive. For more about me and my work, visit www.carriebenedet.com